Piranômetro Delta-T Sunshine SPN 1
Measurement global (total) and diffuse irradiance in W/m²
- WMO sun threshold: 120 W/m² direct beam
- Unique glass dome
- Wideband thermopile sensors
- Near ideal spectral and cosinus response
- Accuracy (cosine corr.) ± 2% of incoming radiation over 0-90° zenith angle
- Diffuse Radiation: ± 8% ± 10 W/m² individual
- Global (Total): ± 5% ± 10 W/m² hourly average
- Accuracy: ± 5% daily intervals
- Non-Linearity: < 1%
- Measurement range: 0 ... > 2000 W/m²
- Spectral range: 400 ... 2700 nm
- Temperature range: - 40 ... +70°
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